Outcome List

At The City of San Bernardino Animal Services Department, we prioritize transparency and accountability in our operations. This report summarizes the outcomes for all animals under our care, reflecting our commitment to animal welfare and community engagement.

Summary of Outcomes

In 2023, our shelter cared for 6,535 animals, ensuring each received the attention and care needed. Below are the outcomes for these animals:

  • Adopted: 2,324 animals found new homes through adoption. 
  • Returned to Owners (RTO): 470 animals were happily reunited with their owners.
  • Euthanasia: 1,516 animals were humanely euthanized. This decision is always a last resort, taken due to severe medical issues that cannot be treated without causing undue suffering, or behavioral issues posing safety risks to the community.
  • Transferred: 1,764 animals were transferred to other shelters or rescue organizations for better care or more suitable adoption opportunities.
  • Other Outcomes: 324 animals had other outcomes, including those who passed away from natural causes.

Looking forward, San Bernardino City Animal Shelter remains dedicated to reducing the number of euthanasias and increasing positive outcomes through various initiatives, including:

  • Increased community outreach and education on responsible pet ownership.
  • Expanding our network of foster homes and rescue partnerships.

We invite the public to support our efforts. Volunteers, foster homes, and donations are always needed and greatly appreciated. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of our animals.


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