January 29, 2024
The City of San Bernardino draft 2021-2029 Housing Element has been scheduled for review and consideration by the Planning Commission at a special meeting on January 30, 2024. This meeting will be held at 6:00pm in the Board Room located at 201 North E Street, 3rd Floor, San Bernardino, CA 92401. Pending a formal recommendation made by the Planning Commission, the draft Housing Element is anticipated to be presented to the Mayor and City Council on February 21, 2024, for consideration of formal approval and adoption.
The Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element is available for review here.
If you have any questions or comments, please email [email protected] with subject line: Housing Element 2021-2029.
For more detailed information on the Housing Element or General Plan Update, please visit www.FutureSB2050.com