Engineering Division

General Information | General Plan Circulation Element Map (pdf) | Engineering Development Resources | Engineering Fee Schedules | Design Policy and Procedure documents | | Standard drawings | Storm Water Requirements |Community Facilities District |Submittal RequirementsDedication of Right of Way | Public Records Requests


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For Right-of-Way Permits, such as:

For On-site Land Development Permits, such as: 
  • Oversized Loads
  • Excavation
  • Lane Closure
  • Temporary Encroachment
  • Traffic Control
  • Haul Routes
  • Grading
  • Horizontal Boring
  • Landscaping

 Visit our Permit Counter in-person Monday through Friday!

Online Permit Lookup Tool


The Engineering Division is made up of a group of hardworking engineers who are responsible for all of the public contracts and construction projects that use public funds. They prepare and update the 5-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP), Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), and other Federal Funding Programs. They provide inspection services, permits, and contract administration for various projects and will provide some services to the Inland Valley Development Agency (IVDA) and Economic Development Agency (EDA) upon request. The engineering team is also responsible for the inspection and construction management and planning of maintenance projects for items such as streets, sewers, storm drains, traffic signals, and traffic signs.



 ***THE REAL PROPERTY DEPARTMENT HAS MOVED TO Economic Development -- Please call (909) 384-5366***

Contact CED if you are in need of any of these services:

Permanent Encroachments
Street Vacations
 CFD Annexations/Formations
 Sewer Service Annexations
 Small Cell Applications



Our team evaluates all developments for traffic related concerns and reviews all Traffic Impact Analyses. We make determinations on the need for crossing guards, stop signs, time limit parking, and painted curbs and staffs the Traffic Safety Committee. Accident records are maintained in a computer database for evaluation and recommended action. 

Public Resources:
Consultant Services Agreement | Street Light Standards | RFQ-RFP Traffic Services | Traffic Index | Traffic Study Guidelines


Average Daily Traffic Map
Disclaimer: The traffic counts shown on this map are not allowed to be used for
Traffic Reports or Studies without the written approval of the City Engineer.



We have a group of highly-trained inspectors who provide services related to City improvement efforts which includes streets, sewers, and traffic signals.



This Division participates in the development process by establishing improvement requirements for new projects, including site grading, drainage, and related off-site improvements within the public right-of-way. The division checks subdivision plans, parcel maps, and records of survey for conformance with the Subdivision Map Act. The public will be able to find out information regarding Parcel and Tract Maps, Lot Mergers, and Lot Line Line Adjustments. This division also manages Condition Use Permits (CUP) and Bond Release Requests.



The NPDES section administers the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program for the County of San Bernardino and the San Bernardino County Flood Control District. This stormwater management program is mandated by the Federal Clean Water Act and is implemented by the State Water Resources Control Board, and has the goal of preventing pollutants from entering our lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans through stormwater runoff. Learn about the CWA



Engineering Division Contact Information

Azzam Jabsheh 
Deputy Director of Public Works/City Engineer

 [email protected] 


Office: 201 N E Street, 2nd Floor

Mail: 290 North D Street
San Bernardino, CA 92401

Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Engineering Department
P: (909) 384-5019

Land Development
P: (909) 384-7272 (ext 3461)

Permit Counter
P: (909) 384-7272 (ext 3258)

Permit Counter Hours

8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.